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RAID Awards

The APT-RAID® Award for Excellence in Working with Challenging Behaviour.

These annual awards were established to keep people ‘enthused’ about working with challenging behavior and enabling those who often exhibit such behavior to lead rewarding lives for themselves and those around them. Application is simple: just 2,000 words, and the preparedness to present your submission here in Leicester if you are shortlisted. The application may be on your own behalf or on behalf of your service and each successful submission will be published on our website.

The benefit of receiving such an award is primarily in satisfaction and status. The tangible benefit is in the form of a certificate, which states your receipt of the award. You will also be able to put the award winner logo and words “Recipient of the APT-RAID® Award for Excellence in working with Challenging Behavior 2019” on your letters / emails, if you wish.

What the award looks for is: (A) a description of an assessment / intervention with a patient or group of patients, (B) the assessment/intervention will feature a positive approach, possibly but not necessarily the RAID® approach, (C) what you describe should “inspire” other people who read it – they should have ideas they want to implement in their practice too. Optionally, your submission may be supported by case-studies or other research papers you have written (whether published elsewhere or not), by testimonials from service users, or other written material.

The awards will be made annually, and the closing date for submissions is the last day of July. You can make submissions at any time during the year, requesting feedback on your entry if you wish. Results will be announced shortly after the closing date each year. To enter, email your submissions to office@aptmentalhealthtraining.com

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RAID® Training and Resources

RAID® Training Courses  ❯

The RAID® Course  ❯

The RAID Refresher  ❯

RAID Centres of Excellence  ❯

RAID Awards  ❯

Positive Behavior Support  ❯

What does RAID® stand for?  ❯

RAID Centres of Excellence

RAID® Centres of Excellence.

This is a major undertaking where organizations seek recognition that they are implementing RAID® principles outstandingly well.

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APT Accreditation 

Investors in People Award          The Learning Awards        Investors in People logo          

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