Welcome! This is the page where you can access selected APT resources free of charge.
They are updated from time to time, so it is good to check in regularly. We also like to receive feedback about the materials, including suggestions for improvements. We hope you find these materials rewarding to use.
MoodMaster Audios, including 'Relaxation,' Mindfulness etc ❯
Advice on maintaining your wellbeing (especially during self-isolation) ❯
Things to do, an information Sheet full of suggestions for your clients ❯
Getting help, or making a referral: a guide for teachers ❯
Getting help: a guide for parents or carers ❯
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) ❯
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) ❯
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) ❯
Solution-Focused Therapy (SFT) ❯
Positive Behavior Support (PBS) ❯
Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT) ❯
The majority of our mental health training courses are provided this way - we come to you and train a group of up to 15 people for an all-inclusive fee.
Obtain APT-quality input at a time that is convenient to you and minimizes the need for 'cover' normally associated with training.