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CBT plus courses

The CBT Plus series of courses: psychosocial interventions for the most common mental health diagnoses.

These courses search for the most relevant ideas from CBT, DBT, ACT, Motivational Interviewing, Solution-Focused Therapy, Compassion-Focused Therapy, IPT, Mindfulness and RAID, and combine them to provide effective interventions for each of the most common mental health diagnoses, namely, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Alcohol and Substance Misuse, Psychosis, Panic, Eating Disorders, Anger & Irritability, Non-suicidal self-injury, OCD, Suicide, and Lifestyle issues affecting physical and mental health and wellbeing. We bring the training to your own organization for a fixed all-inclusive fee, no matter where you are, and all of the courses are accredited by the Association for Psychological Therapies (APT) - a leading provider of training in mental health and related areas.

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Training Courses

The Association for Psychological Therapies (APT) offers the following CBT Plus courses.

The ADDRESS Course for working with Personality Disorder

The ADDRESS® Course for working with Personality Disorder.

A 3-day course.

A powerful integrated package for working effectively with personality disorder.

This course combines relevant aspects of Cognitive Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Motivational Interviewing to form a powerful and systematic intervention for personality disorder. It highlights the problem behaviours associated with personality disorder, how to conceptualize those behaviours in specific cases, how to facilitate insight and motivation in the patient, and how to generate change strategies. Importantly it also gives participants a chance to practise applying them to prepared scenarios.

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CBT Plus, with ADHD: intervention across the ages, from children to adults.

A 3-day course.

Powerful psychosocial interventions to help people with ADHD, and those around them.

ADHD has until recently been diagnosed mainly in children and young people, but it often persists into adulthood and even later life. Rarely if ever do adults acquire ADHD spontaneously, without having had it earlier, although many adults were too young for it to have been a diagnosis when they were children. For these reasons, this course takes a comprehensive view of ADHD, so you can help people no matter what their age. Its main focus is to detail effective psychosocial interventions that are available for those with ADHD and also those around them, whether young or old.

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CBT Plus, for Anger and Violence

CBT Plus, for Anger and Violence.

A 3-day course.

This is the new version of APT's Anger Management course, focusing on working with individuals (and groups) who are habitually angry and sometimes violent. It examines the potential problems of working with aggression, but principally focuses on strategies for helping people with such problems overcome their anger and violence.

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CBT plus, for lifestyle issues affecting mental and physical wellbeing

CBT Plus, for lifestyle issues affecting mental and physical wellbeing.

A 3-day course.

This course describes an organized way of helping people to recognize their lifestyle problems and to do something about them.

Principally it addresses behavior about which the client has mixed feelings: drinking and substance misuse for example, and a whole array of issues relating to common mental and physical health problems as well. Issues from taking psychoactive medication through to, in particular, sleeping, exercising and eating more healthily can all be addressed actively and constructively.

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CBT Essentials

CBT Essentials (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy).

A 3-day course.

A favorite introduction to this powerful, evidence-based technique.

Now in its latest form this course has introduced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to thousands of people ever since 1983. It addresses Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in a way that you can use after the course. It covers: the history and meaning of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, conceptualising cases in CBT terms, the format of a standard CBT session, and the most important CBT techniques. All in a way that applies it constantly to practical examples.

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Suicide Prevention Training

CBT Plus, for Suicide Prevention

A 3-day course.

There is more to working with suicidality than risk assessment and management, and having mastered those, we need then to be able to help people to build lives that are much more rewarding. It is unrealistic to think we can create lives that are completely free of suffering, but perfectly realistic to help create lives that are worth suffering for. And this 3-day course strives to achieve just that.

Some professionals become anxious about seeing patients who are suicidal, so what this course aims to do is to help us become relaxed and optimistic about seeing suicidal people, because we will know how to give them hope, and how to deliver as well as possible on that hope.

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Working with Psychosis, Course 1

APT's unified approach to working with Psychosis, Course 1:

CBT for Psychosis - Key Knowledge and Skills for Everyday Interactions.

A 3-day course.

This course examines and teaches the skills that are fundamental to working with anybody who is prone to episodes of psychosis. Skills such as how to engage, how to talk within the person's belief system, how to use Socratic dialog and the 'floating of ideas', what is and what is not 'collusion', and more. It looks at using these skills in formal one-to-one sessions and also in informal situations.

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Trauma Focused CBT training

Trauma-Focused CBT, for all ages.

A 3-day course.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is literally a life changing disorder. It is famously difficult to treat, yet Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can produce impressive results.

Experiencing a life-threatening event can leave the person with effects including: persistently re-experiencing the event (e.g. intrusive thoughts and images of it), a numbing of general responsiveness (e.g. less interest in significant activities and a feeling of detachment from others), persistent hyperarousal (e.g. difficulty sleeping, irritability, exaggerated startle response) adding up to significant distress or impaired functioning. This course examines effective Cognitive Behavioral Therapy based interventions (a) to ameliorate these effects and (b) to greatly improve the patient's quality of life where some effects cannot be mitigated.

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CBT for Substance Misuse

CBT Plus, with Alcohol & Substance Misuse.

A 3-day course.

When use of mood altering substances gets out of control it ruins the person's life - until we help them regain control.

The maladaptive use of mood altering substances (importantly, including alcohol) may easily devastate the life of the user and of those around them. Although onset may be insidious the effect can be far reaching and difficult to reverse without skilled and determined intervention. This course covers the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy solutions.

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CBT for OCD.

A 2-day course.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder usually takes over the sufferer's life, and it is the behavioral element of CBT that come to the fore in treating it.

An obsession is where the person has a fixed idea that is distressing (e.g. that their hands are contaminated and will lead to a serious illness or death) and a compulsion to perform a particular behavior (in this case, probably to wash their hands). This often has a ritualistic nature to it (e.g. to wash 3 times) and the whole syndrome can devastate a person's life both in terms of time, relationships, and finances. This course covers the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy solutions to OCD.

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CBT for Self Harm

CBT with Non-Suicidal Self-Injury: There Must be a Better Way®

A 2-day course.

Stopping self harm and replacing it with something better.

The title of this course captures the philosophy behind it. Self-harm, though inexplicable to anyone who has never felt the urge to harm themselves, normally serves a very clear purpose. The secret of success is, therefore, to identify that purpose and achieve it in a less traumatic way. Simple in theory, far from simple in practice, this course examines exactly how to achieve it successfully.

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Older People: Key Knowledge and Skills for Providing Effective Support

Older People: Key Knowledge and Skills for Providing Effective Support.

A 3-day course. (2-day version also available.)

There are certain things that everyone working in this area 'really should know'. This course covers them.

This course is designed for professionals who work daily with older adults and, as the title suggests, it is designed to impart the very most important knowledge and skills for doing so. It therefore covers person centred care, the National Service Framework for older adults, matching professional with service user, and, above all, how physical health, mental health, the environment and behavior all interact.

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CBT for Panic

CBT for Panic.

A 2-day course.

Panic is devastating for those who suffer from it, and the techniques for dealing with it are specific to it and very effective. 

Panic is underrated by those who have never experienced it. Typically, it virtually disables the person during the attack; they feel as though they are seriously ill, cannot see properly, and may not be able to control themselves. It is usually associated with agoraphobia as the sufferer does not wish to venture far from 'safety'. This course aims to cover the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy strategies both for panic and related agoraphobia.

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Mental Health Diagnoses Diploma

The APT Diploma in Working with common mental health diagnoses.

90 hours.

'The APT Diploma in Working with common mental health diagnoses' provides 90 hours of training, leading to Level 4 APT accreditation. We bring the training to you for a fixed fee, to eliminate travel and expenses costs, and to ensure you get a supportive group addressing the same material.

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APT Accreditation 

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