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Extended Training in CBT course feedback

Extended Training in CBT, course feedback.

The Association for Psychological Therapies prides itself on the written feedback we receive for our courses. Below is just some of the great reviews the Extended Training in CBT course has received.

"Interesting, engaging, hugely relevant. It will most certainly benefit me in my work. Look forward to making myself more familiar with the material and putting it into practice. Thank you."

Kate Feely, Principal Social Worker

"Absolutely fabulous, very well presented. Easy delivery and very responsive to any questions or queries. Delightful presenter. Many thanks."

Fidelis Cunningham, Community Social Care Leader

"Another great training course ... Keep up the good work, you have opened my eyes to the positive aspects of CBT. I can see myself using what I have learnt."

Kate Feely, Principal Social Worker

"I loved and enjoyed the course. As always it has given me a lot to work with - I always (in most cases) use the course material in my work as soon as I get it. My clients love it and I love it as well."

Coleen Kingston, PTP

"Enjoyed course - feel I have benefited hugely from it and look forward to putting into practice what I have learned."

Joan Daly, Social Care Leader

"The course was well presented, encouragement from the tutor which enabled others to be involved in all topics covered. It was not a slide presentation without a detailed explanation. I will recommend that others should be able to access this training. It has given me good knowledge and different ways of looking at assessment of a client and new ways to get them involved in their treatment."

Victoria Cole, Nurse

"The course was great. I am looking forward to using the skills and techniques learnt to help my clients."

Hailes Seraphin, Nurse

"I now have an in-depth knowledge of how to use CBT with my clients. Fantastic."

Course Delegate

"I have waited a while for this course to be available again within the trust and it was well worth the wait. It is a course that I have always been interested in doing and I have not been disappointed at all."

Donna Cantrell, Acting Deputy Ward Manager

"Excellent course, very well presented in an engaging, professional and friendly way."

Mark Lawler, RMN

"As always a fabulous 3 day course. Interesting and refreshing to consolidate existing and new skills."

Kelly Jones, CSMN

"Highly motivational, I feel enthusiastic and empowered by the knowledge gained. I have thoroughly enjoyed each module and would recommend it to others."

Alan O'Brien, Community Psychiatric Nurse

"Excellent course, inspiring and well tutored. It has given me increased confidence in my ability to be effective in working with people with anxiety and depression."

Jane Bellinger, Senior Staff Nurse

"I have found the past three days to be exceptionally enlightening, a very positive experience."

Hugh McGlinchey, Manager, Mental Health Services

"I have found this course excellent. It has dramatically increased my skills with working with the field of mental health."

Martin Foster, Social Worker

"Refreshing, entertaining and thought-provoking. Excellent course, at a pace and style of teaching that is designed to maximize learning. Thank you."

Stephen Jill, Community Psychiatric Nurse

"This was an excellent course - the content was paced perfectly, everything relevant. I was intent on absorbing every little bit."

Deborah Hannen, Occupational Therapist

"Thoroughly worthwhile and I'm looking forward to utilising theory in practical settings."

Alison Spencer, CPN

"Thoroughly enjoyed my learning experience in a non threatening, relaxed environment. Good to be able to look at things in a new way and to validate practice already being carried out. I feel invigorated and keen to get out there and begin practicing. Looking forward to Module 2 already! Thank you Katrina."

Alison MacLean, Ward Sister

"Very impressed with presenter's style of teaching and depth of subject knowledge. Very appropriate with queries on any issues relevant to course. Course material excellent standard. Altogether a 'breath of fresh air'. Can't wait to put it into practice!"

Maxine McKelvie, RMN

"Very interesting course, enabling in-depth knowledge in the basic principles of CBT and initiating practice of it. Lots of useful new material presented in a way that was easy to understand and in a setting which was comfortable for asking questions and gaining better understanding. I feel that this has set a good foundation for practicing CBT with some of the clients that are referred to APU. Looking forward to the next module!"

Ann Duncan, RMN

"This has been a very valuable experience which has allowed me to better pull the principles of CBT than I could have thought possible in such a short period of time. My patients will most definitely benefit from these skills/ Presentation was fantastic and made it all easy to learn and consolidate."

Joan Tilley, Ward Manager

"Most beneficial and enjoyable. Interesting approaches to depressed clients. Taught and case studies allowed practice and understanding of all abilities to practice CBT correctly."

Ann Duncan, RMN

"Tutor worked really hard to make sure we had a good understanding of the relevant concepts. Thank you."

Mustapha Hocine, RMN

"Feel that I now have a handle on assessment and case conceptualisation. Feel therefore a sense of relief as I feel I am getting to grips with CBT and feel keen to put it into practice. As before time went by quickly and I thoroughly enjoyed the module. Look forward to Module 3."

Alison MacLean, Ward Sister

"Very impressed with presenter's style of teaching and depth of subject knowledge. Very appropriate with queries on any issues relevant to course. Course material excellent standard. Altogether a 'breath of fresh air'. Can't wait to put it into practice!"

Maxine McKelvie, RMN

"Very interesting course, enabling in-depth knowledge in the basic principles of CBT and initiating practice of it. Lots of useful new material presented in a way that was easy to understand and in a setting which was comfortable for asking questions and gaining better understanding. I feel that this has set a good foundation for practicing CBT with some of the clients that are referred to APU. Looking forward to the next module!"

Ann Duncan, RMN

"This has been a very valuable experience which has allowed me to better pull the principles of CBT than I could have thought possible in such a short period of time. My patients will most definitely benefit from these skills/ Presentation was fantastic and made it all easy to learn and consolidate."

Joan Tilley, Ward Manager

"Thoroughly enjoyed my learning experience in a non threatening, relaxed environment. Good to be able to look at things in a new way and to validate practice already being carried out. I feel invigorated and keen to get out there and begin practicing. Looking forward to Module 2 already!"

Alison McLean, Ward Sister

"Most beneficial and enjoyable. Interesting approaches to depressed clients. Taught and case studies allowed practice and understanding of all abilities to practice CBT correctly."

Ann Duncan, RMN

"Tutor worked really hard to make sure we had a good understanding of the relevant concepts. Thank you."

Mustapha Hocine, RMN

"The course is well run and presented with good use of all course material and live clinical material. The booklet is extremely helpful."

Course delegate

"Fantastic course and very relevant – everything seemed to 'click' this time. Video of actual CBT sessions was very helpful to see how things should be done and the process involved … Tutor was very patient and more than willing to explain things when we were unsure."

Maxine McKelvie, RMN

"Lots to think about. Content full and comprehensive. Looking forward to putting this CBT module into practice as it has filled in lots of gaps in previous ways of working with patients who suffer from anxiety. Should have done this years ago. Excellent and rewarding overall."

Joan Tilley, Ward Manager

"Thoroughly enjoyed the module which went really quickly. I really appreciate the relaxed and personal and friendly approach you have. I feel that things are sinking in and feel more comfortable introducing new techniques into my work with patients."

Alison McLean, Ward Sister

Extended Training in CBT.

66 hours.

Providing 66 hours of training, this training has a flexible structure that allows you to tailor the content to the group needs. Successful completion leads to APT’s Level 4 accreditation.

The way the system works is that you choose one course from each of three Groups A, B and C, and also attend The CBT Masterclass, making a total of four courses. Three of the courses will be 3-day courses, whereas Group C courses are 2-days, so it is a total of 11 days. The format whereby you choose your first three courses ensures that you have a good degree of ‘personalisation’ and the groupings of the courses ensures equally that you obtain a good ‘across the board’ coverage of CBT approaches in different areas.

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