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CBT for OCD course feedback

CBT for OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), course feedback.

The Association for Psychological Therapies prides itself on the written feedback we receive for our courses. Below is just some of the great reviews the CBT for OCD course has received.

"The course was extremely useful and will help with my work. I have been able to review my practices and hopefully transfer this to my workplace. It has increased my knowledge surrounding OCD."

Course Delegate

"Excellent course, one of the best I have been to. Very interactive and well presented."

Olivia Hall, RMN

"Well structured and well presented course. Excellent facilitator, lovely manner, good/great humor, able to draw on her own current practice which is very helpful. Really enjoyed the course, the facilitator was great - very encouraging, supportive and clear about techniques and model."

Louise Leach, Mental Health Social Worker

"Found the tutor engaging and enthusiastic about the topic. To be able to actively participate in the sessions aided my learning and helped make the experience enjoyable and rewarding. The final exercise was particularly useful for bringing together the learning over the two days."

Course Delegate

"Very well presented, informative and engaging. Subject matter is pertinent and I have learned some very good techniques to take back to my place of work and apply to clients suffering with OCD and anxiety. A good mix/balance of theory, role play, quiz, group discussion, personal reflection and feedback. Thank you."

Course Delegate

"This is all great and highly relevant and I am glad to be attending."

Susan Wyles

"Very enjoyable and informative course. I feel I have learnt a lot and it will be very beneficial in practice."

Janet Cutajar, CMHN

"I enjoyed the course so much."

Course Delegate

"I thought that the course covered a lot of information – at a pace that was good. The material was presented very clearly and the presenter was extremely knowledgeable and interested in the material. I will be able to take a lot of information to help intern my clinical practice."

Nicole Burnham, Assistant Psychologist

"Really enjoyed this training, it was well structured and relevant to my line of work. I now have a better understanding of OCD and applying CBT as a form of treatment."

Malgorzata Glowala, RMN

"I really useful and informative course that has increased my confidence in treating this complex disorder. I found the tutor professional and knowledgeable but at the same time warm and approachable. Many thanks."

Emily Ewart, CPN

"Very interesting and informative content of the course, useful for my current job."

Course Delegate

"I found the course very interesting and came away with lots of useful information. The presenter was excellent. Thank you."

Course Delegate

"This course will be hugely beneficial for me both in practice and in my counseling work. Very enjoyable and well presented. Thank you."

Course Delegate

"Excellently presented. Loved the variation of exercises, lectures, videos, role plays etc. Fab!!!"

Course Delegate


CBT for OCD.

A 2-day course.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder usually takes over the sufferer's life, and it is the behavioral element of CBT that come to the fore in treating it.

An obsession is where the person has a fixed idea that is distressing (e.g. that their hands are contaminated and will lead to a serious illness or death) and a compulsion to perform a particular behavior (in this case, probably to wash their hands). This often has a ritualistic nature to it (e.g. to wash 3 times) and the whole syndrome can devastate a person's life both in terms of time, relationships, and finances. This course covers the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy solutions to OCD.

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Feedback Ratings

Feedback Ratings.

We continuously monitor the quality of our training by obtaining feedback on the two key scales of relevance and presentation from every course delegate. Below are the average ratings for the last ten runnings of this course, which are updated periodically.


Presentation: 96%

Relevance: 92%

Online Live*

Presentation: 94%

Relevance: 89%

*This online live ratings are taken from the last two runnings of the course in this format.

APT Accreditation 

Investors in People Award       The Learning Awards        Investors in People logo          

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